Amin Rafiee – Decentralized Governance

Amin Rafiee
Amin has been working closely with the developers of some of the most hyped-about coins on the crypto market since 2013. He’s an active user of bitcoin communities and a respected member that is constantly involved with the dedicated developers and leaders of this exciting industry. With a keen eye for the latest advancements and a diverse background, including Industrial Design, Engineering, R&D, Marketing, International Business, Philosophy and Psychology, providing a strong foundation to understand and communicate with a large number of members across different fields. A regular speaker at Bitcoin conferences throughout Europe, Rafiee has been helpin
“This video involving one our founders, Erik Vollstädt, was covered by the German’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW). I believe this video really puts the concept of BITNATION and decentralized governance into an easily understandable notion. It also covers some basic information of the historical involvement of governments and progression of virtual states.”
BITNATION Geograhical Apartheid
BITNATION Geograhical Apartheid
WHY SHOULD YOU WATCH THIS? “In 13 minutes, here's the story behind Suzanne Tarkowski Tempelhof and the inspiration for BITNATION & global decentralized government.”“BITNATION was initiated by Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof in 2014. Since then it has really inspired thousands of minds around the world. This video shows her story, the concept and the global perspective from both a political and social perspective. A world that is unfairly determined by the geographical location of your birth.”
EU Brussels, Blockchains for Social Good | BITNATION | Amin Rafiee
EU Brussels, Blockchains for Social Good | BITNATION | Amin Rafiee
WHY SHOULD YOU WATCH THIS? “Amin Rafiee (BITNATION) discusses how the Blockchain might help refugees with identification issues and some other social benefits. ”“This was a talk I did at the European Commission on the social benefits provided through BITNATON and other blockchain based platforms. It explains how Blockchain can help refugees throughout Europe and also globally, taking into consideration the possibilities of global citizen identifications, bitcoin based debit cards and other means that can really help stateless individuals.”
Andreas Antonopoulos DevCore: Bitcoin, the Bubble Boy, and the Sewer Rat, a must see speech!
Andreas Antonopoulos DevCore: Bitcoin, the Bubble Boy, and the Sewer Rat, a must see speech!
WHY SHOULD YOU WATCH THIS? “Blockchain legend Andreas Antonopoulos discusses the security of isolated Blockchains versus open Blockchains.”“When we consider the concept of closed source vs. open source, we tend to forget the amazing benefits that are provided by an open source environment / software. Case in point would be Linux vs. Windows. Linux running on the same kernel can be used – and is used – in defense systems, global banking systems, satellites, home appliances to your Android phones and very secure super computers. Whereas Windows is used in the desktop market and only due to the trend instead of providing anything better or more superior. This concept should be considered when we take into account any attempt of creating a centralized system. An open system is a system that has stood the test of nature. I believe Andreas Antonopoulos really puts this into a understandable manner in this talk.”
Amin Rafiee | #IAMBlockchain | IDnext Utrecht Nederland 2017
Amin Rafiee | #IAMBlockchain | IDnext Utrecht Nederland 2017
WHY SHOULD YOU WATCH THIS? “Here Amin Rafiee (BITNATION) introduces decentralized governance, and his view on how the Blockchain is about people helping people.”“This is my latest presentation. I believe this puts into contrast the errors of the regulated sectors in the world. How financial institutions and service providers as large as LinkedIn, Yahoo and many others have fallen victim to global hacks and in turn loosing valuable and highly private information that should have been encrypted in the first place. Furthermore, it provides a basic introduction to decentralized organisations, governance and innovations that have allowed people to earn from their content, support and moreover be able to share information without the need for a middle gateway such as an ISP (Internet Service Provider) or existing governments. People helping people and managing themselves and in turn empowering both individuality and collectivism.”